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International Sustainability Standards Board: what are they and when are they coming?

One of the major criticisms of the ESG agenda is the lack of reliable, transparent, and comparable reporting. Investors are under pressure to consider the sustainability of their portfolios, yet with no universal set of standards they are struggling to evaluate or compare. For businesses, the current reporting landscape can be a minefield; with performance judged against a moving target and with many businesses choosing to forgo reporting altogether.

This is set to change. A little over a year ago, in the margins of COP26, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) was created, and tasked with developing ambitious, enforceable, and consistent ESG reporting standards.

The new standards - or IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards to give them their full name - are intended to provide a new framework for climate disclosures, enabling investors and other stakeholders to compare businesses on their approach to sustainability.

In the past year, the new ISSB has moved fast to appoint a board, consolidate a number of existing voluntary disclosure frameworks, and undergo an exhaustive period of consultation with businesses, experts, and governments around the world. As a result, the new standards are expected to be released “as early as possible” in the New Year.

If you wish to know more about the ISSB standards and how to prepare for their implementation, then contact Trafalgar Strategy Impact at


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