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Headshot of Alastair Masser

Dr Alastair Masser


Alastair heads up our ESG practice, advising clients how they can make their businesses more sustainable, impactful, and competitive.


Prior to joining Trafalgar, he ran a social impact consultancy which worked with an array of businesses, charities, and philanthropists to help them address some of today’s most pressing challenges, from the refugee crisis to the gender pay gap.


He has spent over a decade working at the forefront of politics, public policy, and communications, including serving as a Special Adviser to both the chief whips in The House of Commons and the  Lords during David Cameron’s premiership. He helped steer more than 100 pieces of primary legislation through both Houses of Parliament, as well as coordinating key votes including sanctioning British military intervention in Syria. He has a strong track record of working with Conservative MPs and Peers, coordinating their involvement in numerous campaigns including the 2015 General Election and 2016 London Mayoral Election.


After leaving Government, he spent five years as a director at a leading London think tank, overseeing their engagement with donors and the media, as well as with the leaders of a number of developing nations. He holds a PhD in War Studies from King’s College London where is also a Visiting Research Fellow, and teaches at the UK Ministry of Defence’s Joint Services Command Staff College (JSCSC) at Shrivenham. He is co-editor of a new two volume series on diplomacy, published by Bloomsbury in April 2021.


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